

Each sensor pixel is connected via a solder bump to a pixel unit on the read-out chip,where the signal is amplified.The hit data are stored on the edge of the chip where they wait for the trigger information.
The pixels used are n-on-n devices so that,in the barrel,their response is strongly affected by the 34o Lorentz angle of the drift of electrons.The barrel Pixel geometry is deliberately arranged so that this large Lorentz angle induces significant sharing of charge across neighboring cells (...)

The sensor material is silicon in which the electron drift angle is three times larger than for holes.Therefore,n-type pixels,which collect electrons,will be used. When the electrons arrive atthe pixel surface,they are spread over an r-&phi distance of ~(detector thickness)x tan(34o)


In the outer regions, higher noise due to "long" strips is compensated by larger signal height using 500 micron thick sensors instead of the normal 300 microns.
to compensate interstrip capacitance increase, resulting in higher noise, CMS uses silicon with <100> crystal orientation, which is less affected by radiation (...)

PbWO4, scintillation calorimeter. Low light yield, but high density, a small Moliere radius and a short radiation length allowing for a very compact calorimeter system. It's also radiation-hard (radiation creates "color centers", which affect the transparency).
A light monitoring systems constantly checks the light loss of the calorimeter.
Since the light yield is small, the signal has to be amplified by the Avalanche PhotoDiode (APD):

Photons convert in the p++ layer. Photoelectrons drift towards the abrupt p-n junction where ionization starts and avalanche breakdown occurs. The avalanche breakdown results in impact electron multiplication.

It's used in the endcap region (1.65<η<2.6).
Its function is to help resolve single and double photons coming from π0, by looking at the lateral spread of the signal.
The preshower detector contains two thin lead converters followed by silicon strip detector planes placed in front of the ECAL.
The measurement of the energy deposition in the 1.9 mm pitch silicon strips allows the determination of the impact position of the electromagnetic shower by a charge-weighted-average algorithm with very good accuracy (...)

The hadron barrel (HB) and hadron endcap (HE) calorimeters are sampling calorimeters with 50 mm thick copper absorber plates interleaved with 4 mm thick scintillator sheets.
Copper has been selected as the absorber material because of its density.
(...) Because the barrel HCAL inside the coil is not sufficiently thick to contain all the energy of high energy showers, additional scintillation layers (HOB) are placed just outside the magnet coil. The full depth of the combined HB and HOB detectors is approximately 11 absorption lengths.

Hadron Forward:
There are two hadronic forward (HF) calorimeters, one located at each end of the CMS detector, which complete the HCAL coverage to |h| = 5. The HF detectors are situated in a harsh radiation field and cannot be constructed of conventional scintillator and waveshifter materials. Instead, the HF is built of steel absorber plates; steel suffers less activation under irradiation than copper. Hadronic showers are sampled at various depths by radiation-resistant quartz fibers (...)
The energy of jets is measured from the Cerenkov light signals produced as charged particles pass through the quartz fibres. These signals result principally from the electromagnetic component of showers, which results in excellent directional information for jet reconstruction. Fibre optics convey the Cerenkov signals to photomultiplier tubes located in radiation shielded zones to the side and behind each calorimeter.

Muon chambers:
Barrel: RPC+DT.
Endcaps: RPC+CSC.
RPCs provide very good time measurement (for LVL1 trigger), DTs and CSCs provide very good position.
There are at least 10 interaction lengths (λ) of calorimeters before the first station and an additional 10 λ of iron yoke before the last station.
(...) The resolution at low pT is limited by multiple Coulomb scattering; the resolution at high pT is limited by the chamber resolution. The strong bending due to the high field is a great benefit in both cases. With resolutions of the order of 100 mm per station, the standalone measurement is dominated by multiple Coulomb scattering for pt below 200 GeV.