Cathode Strip Chambers:


Cathode Strip Chambers are used in the Endcap regions where the magnetic field is very intense (up to several Tesla) and very inhomogeneous. CSCs are multiwire proportional chambers in which one cathode plane is segmented intro strips running across wires. An avalanche developed on a wire induces a charge on several strips of the cathode plane. In a CSC plane two coordinates per plane are made available by the simultaneous and independent detection of the signal induced by the same track on the wires and on the strips. The wires give the radial coordinate whereas the strips measure φ.
In addition to providing precise space and time information, the closely spaced wires make the CSC a fast detector suitable for triggering.
The electrons are collected by the wire, whereas a cloud of positive ions moving away from the wire of the wire and toward the cathode induces a current on the cathode strips perpendicular to the wire direction.