Some useful notes.
TOPLHCWG svn repository
TOP Summary Plots gitlab repository
ARC formation status
CMS/LHC daily reports
CMS Data and MC Production Overview
Students exception for public talks
Review of Conference Reports on iCms
- login to iCMS
- go to the publications page
- click on "for Physics CR subeditors"
- click on "acquire" - it can only be acquired by one of us at the same time. You can "release" a note as well, but this is normally not needed
- click on "edit" to View File // Accept Draft // Request New Draft
- when a new draft is needed, you can use the "Subeditor Remarks" field to give your comments
- when the note is ready to be accepted, Paris always preferred that the "Subeditor Remarks" field was empty or at the most had "Ok" in it ... not sure about Gautier.
- when you accept a CR draft, it is out of our hands, ie go to ATLAS for review if applicable or be made public if it is only CMS
CR notes are the responsibility of the author, so the review does not have to be very detailed. Make sure that:
- the selection of results is up-to-date
- balanced between CMS and ATLAS
- the CMS detector paper is included in the references: JINST 3, S08004 (2008)