Misalignment study
The idea is to start by defining the algorithms and then to write something simple in C++ with Root output
- define a detection layer just as a 100x100 pads of 1cm2
- - the position of each pad would be:
- xpad = x0 +i*pad_size
- ypad= y0+ j*pad_size
- zpad= z0
- with (x0, y0, z0) the position of the centre of pad in the low corner and i, i the common and row of the pad
- simulate tracks on the first layer
- calculate intersection of tracks with all layers
- find out the hit pads in each layer and set (xhit,yhit, zhit) in each layer to the centre of the pads
- fit the track from (xhit,yhit, zhit)i
- what's the impact of pad_size on the resolution
- what happens if misalignments on x0,y0, z0, or systematic error on pad_size?
Geometry conventions
Instructions for TOMUVOL software
- ssh giammanco@clrhp05.in2p3.fr from CERN domain
- ssh giammanco@clrantsrv.in2p3.fr
Instructions (to be checked for typos):
Concerning the general info you can find on the server, you can find the soft under
In particular the Mapping is under
The reconstructed tracks are in trees stored under