How to install it:
Follow the instructions given here, but since we are using a modified version don't use the new-gui-test files.
Instead, cut'n'paste the following line:
cvs co Client
This will create a directory named Client with all the needed files. Edit the Configure file to set all the right paths (e.g. to ROOT, XERCES, XDAQ). Execute the Configure file before compiling (or before executing the client, if already compiled).
How to use it for offline analysis:
The modified client has a different Control Tab than the official one (the Control Tab for the official client is described here).
The main difference is the presence of the Data Source radiobuttons on the right part of the panel. The choice is between Simulation, Shared Memory, Root File, XDAQ Server. Choose Root File to select the file to analyze.
After selecting the Event Type and the number of events to take, press the Start button in the Run Control Settings part of the panel.
Then,after pressing the Goto Anal button (or going to the Analysis Tab), you just need to choose the Plot Types and the Histogram Type (no need to load any file, if you come from the Control Tab).
New code:
You can play with it on pcepcmt18 and pcepcmt19, under /home/control/Integration/Client (configuration file: /home/control/Integration/Configure; binary: /home/control/Integration/Client/bin/ModuleTestApp.exe) and on pcepcmt17 under /localscratch/PisaClient. This is the latest official release.
To test my personal code with slight modifications (if any): /home/control/Integration/Client_andrea (on pcepcmt18 only) (configuration file: /home/control/Integration/Configure_andrea; binary: /home/control/Integration/Client_andrea/bin/ModuleTestApp.exe).
The latest official release has a Linear Common Mode subtraction, with the possibility to switch among the 3 implemented subtractors by editing file setting.xml: CMFlag="3" calls the Linear Common Mode subtraction, CMFlag="1" calls the subtraction of the average Common Mode, CMFlag="2" of the median Common Mode.
The setting.xml has to be explicitely loaded (by the button Load Configuration in the Control Tab), otherwise the default is CMFlag="1".
I also wrote the following macros (in /home/control/Integration/, not in all machines):
To do:
Contact me ( for any question about the files.