Silicon Microstrip Tracker (S/N):

Interstrip capacitance
Noise vs interstrip capacitance:
A crucial factor in evaluating the noise contribution of silicon microstrip detector is the value of capacitance between adjacent electrodes called interstrip capacitance (Cint). The relation of equivalent noise charge (ENC) with total detector capacitance (CD) is given by,
where CD consists of two terms backplane capacitance and interstrip capacitance, CFET is the capacitance associated with the input FET of the preamplifier, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature and gm is the transconductance of the input FET. The significance of studying Cint is further attributed to its creation of cross talk. Thus, for the above reasons it is important to investigate the characteristics of the silicon strip detector in terms of the interstrip capacitance.

As a function of module thickness (t), lenght (l), strip width (w) and pitch (p) i.e. strip-strip distance:
S∝tw (does not depend on l since the energy deposit is anyway much more localized than l)

But what is the area? It depends on the kind of capacity that dominates. (They are in parallel, so C=C1+C2+...)
For the coupling between metal coverings, A=wl, for implantation-implantation A=lt.

talk about tracker synchronization

Speak(t)=(t/τ)exp(-t/τ); comes from the fact that in first approximation it is a CR-RC circuit.
Sdeco(t) is a linear combination of Speak(t-25ns), Speak(t) and Speak(t+25ns).