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It is sensitive to the high part(*) of the ν energy spectrum, via the reactions:
CC: νd -> epp (it measures Φ(νe))
NC: νd -> νnp (it measures Φ(νe+μ+τ))
ES: νe -> νe (it measures all fluxes, but the electron neutrino dominates by a factor of 6)
ES gives poor energy information (since energy is shared between electron and neutrino) but gives directionality. Solar Standard Model expects 3 events/day.
CC gives energy and direction information. One expect spectrum distorsion in case of oscillations. SSM predicts 30 events/day.
NC gives no directionality nor energy information. SSM predicts 30 events/day. To detect neutrons, in principle one could use recombination into deuterium (with emission of gammas) but efficiency is very low. So, SNO uses two methods: Helium-3 proportional counters, and Chlorine Salt diluted in the heavy water.
(*) The solar "matter effect" is important for the high-energy 8B neutrinos, not the low-energy pp neutrinos.
Solar neutrino flavor change is νe -> νx, where νx is some combination of νμ and ντ: this is a 2-neutrino system.
In fact, for the typical 8B energy of 8 MeV and Δm2sol~8*10-5 eV2, the interaction term with matter (which is due to &nuee charged current interactions) dominates, and νe is with very good approximation an eigenstate of H.
For pp neutrinos (~0.2 MeV), instead, the vacuum hamiltonian dominates.
- the interaction term is GFNe~0.75*10-5 eV2/MeV (multiplied by a matrix in which only the electron element is filled)
- the vacuum term is the mixing matrix multiplied by the factor Δm2sol/4E.
So, the boron neutrinos mix inside the Sun; outside of the Sun, in the travel to Earth, nothing oscillates anymore.
Results from solar neutrinos: Δm2sol~8*10-5 eV2, θsol~34 degrees.
This has implication on reactor antineutrinos.
With Δm2sol~8*10-5 eV2, the fractional importance of interaction energy (independent of neutrino energy) and vacuum energy (Δm2sol/4E), for E~few MeV, is negligible.
So, reactor experiments at large distance see an energy averaged oscillation, and should see substantial disappearance of the antineutrino flux.
In fact, KamLAND (~180 km from reactor) sees only 66% of the flux.
Flavor change with Δm2sol and θsol fits both the solar and reactor data.