Atmosferic neutrino oscillation:

Academic training less at CERN

Cosmic rays >2 GeV are isotropic + Gauss' Law + hypothesis of no oscillation => Φνμ(upward going)=Φνμ(downward going)
Instead, SuperKamiokande finds (for Eν>1.3 GeV) a ratio of 0.54.
This is well described by a νμ->ντ oscillation with Δm2atm~2*10-3 eV2 and almost maximal oscillation angle.

This can be tested with accelerator experiments, producing νμ from decay and observing disappearance (K2K, MINOS) or τ appearance (CERN-to-Gran Sasso).
K2K and MINOS so far confirm SuperKamiokande.