The strong interactions depend only on I, not on Iz.
Preliminary: (iso)spin sums
Table of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
For each state of two particles characterized by the (iso)spins I1 and I2:
(a) π+p -> π+p
Isospins: I1=1, I2=1/2
Third components: Iz1=+1, Iz2=+1/2
The only possibility for (I,Iz) is (3/2,+3/2)
(b) π0p -> π0p
Isospins: I1=1, I2=1/2
Third components: Iz1=0, Iz2=+1/2
(I,Iz) can be (3/2,+1/2), coeff.=√2/3, and (1/2,+1/2), coeff.=-√1/3
Since initial and final states are equal, the amplitudes to go through (3/2,+1/2) and (1/2,+1/2) are simply 2/3 and 1/3.
(c) π-p -> π-p
Isospins: I1=1, I2=1/2
Third components: Iz1=-1, Iz2=+1/2
(I,Iz) can be (3/2,-1/2), coeff.=√1/3, and (1/2,-1/2), coeff.=-√2/3
Since initial and final states are equal, the amplitudes to go through (3/2,+1/2) and (1/2,+1/2) are simply 1/3 and 2/3.
(d) π-p -> π0n
Isospins: I1=1, I2=1/2
Third components, initial state: Iz1=-1, Iz2=+1/2
(I,Iz) can be (3/2,-1/2), coeff.=√1/3, and (1/2,-1/2), coeff.=-√2/3
Third components, final state: Iz1=0, Iz2=-1/2
(I,Iz) can be (3/2,-1/2), coeff.=√2/3, and (1/2,-1/2), coeff.=√1/3
So, for this reaction, the amplitude to go through (3/2,-1/2) is √2/9, and to go through (1/2,-1/2) is -√2/9.
When the process proceeds through a resonance, this filters only the isospin of the resonance:
when (a),(b),(c),(d) are at the energy of the Δ (I=3/2), σ(b)/σ(a)=4/9, σ(c)/σ(a)=1/9, σ(d)/σ(a)=2/9.
(Recall that for the cross section you have to take the square of the amplitude.)
If the resonance has I=1/2, reaction (a) is forbidden.
When isospin conservation is violated, like in the EM and weak interactions, all the isospin states (compatible with the other symmetries of the system) will be equally populated. We can count the number of isospin states to infer (at least approximately) the ratios:
BR(K0->π+π-) ~ 2*BR(K0->π0π0)
In fact π+π- has Iz1=+1 and Iz2=-1, and so can correspond to I=0 and I=2, while π0π0 has Iz1=0 and Iz2=0, so only I=0 is possible.
Intuitive explaination: equal production rate for π+, π- and π0. In fact, the π+π- final state is the sum of "pion1 = + and pion2 = -" and viceversa.